
iPhone Programming : Table-View-Based Applications - Adding a City View

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5/27/2011 11:33:17 AM
You might have a nice navigation bar, but it doesn’t do any navigation yet, and after backing out of the changes you made to the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method to present a pop up, the code doesn’t tell you about the selected city anymore. Let’s fix that now and implement a view controller and associated view to present the city information to the application user.

Right-click on the Classes folder in the Groups & Files pane and select AddNew File. Choose a UIViewController subclass and tick the checkbox to ask Xcode to generate an associated NIB file, as shown in Figure 1. When prompted, name the new class CityController.m, as this will be the view controller we’re going to use to present the information about our cities.

Figure 1. Select a UIViewController subclass and tick the checkbox for Xcode to create an associated XIB for the user interface

This will generate three new files: CityController.h, CityController.m, and CityController.xib. For neatness you might want to drag the CityController.xib file into the Resources folder of the project along with the other project NIB files.

Right now, the new NIB file is just a blank view. We’ll fix that later, but first we need to add code to the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method in the RootController.m class to open the new view when a city is selected in the table view:

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tv
didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath

CityGuideDelegate *delegate =
(CityGuideDelegate *)[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
CityController *city = [[CityController alloc] init];
[delegate.navController pushViewController:city animated:YES];
[city release];

[tv deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];

Here we grabbed a reference to the application delegate and initialized a new CityController instance. We then pushed this view controller onto the top of the UINavigationController stack, making its view the current view.

Additionally, at the top of the RootController.m class, since we’re now making use of the CityController class, we’ll also need to import its interface file into this class:

#import "CityController.h"

This is another good point to stop and try things out, so click the Build and Run button in the Xcode menu bar. If all has gone well, when you click on a city your table view should slide neatly to the left and reveal a blank white view created by the CityController view controller, with a navigation bar at the top and a Back button provided by your UINavigationController that will take you back to the city table view, as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. The blank view generated by the CityController view controller

From here we need to modify the CityController class so that we can populate its view from the model held by the app delegate; then we need to build that view in Interface Builder by modifying the CityController.xib file. The first question we need to ask, however, is “How does the controller class know which city to display?” An easy way to make this happen is to override the init method. In the interface file (CityController.h), we’ll declare the following method:

- (id)initWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;

I plan to initialize the class by passing in the index (NSIndexPath) of the selected UITableViewCell in the main table view. From this you can figure out which City to use to populate the view. As you can imagine, this is one of a number of different ways to approach this problem.

In our view, we’ll be using the navigation bar to display the city name as the view title, a UITextView element to display the city description, and finally a UIImageView to display the picture of the city that we added to the project earlier. The interface file therefore has to declare these as variables and make them available to Interface Builder by also declaring them as an IBOutlet. Here’s what CityController.h should look like with these changes (including the line of code just listed):

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface CityController : UIViewController {
NSIndexPath *index;

IBOutlet UIImageView *pictureView;
IBOutlet UITextView *descriptionView;

- (id)initWithIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;


You’ll notice that we declared our variables as an IBOutlet inside the @interface declaration instead of doing so while declaring them as a property. There really isn’t any need to make these variables a property, as we don’t need accessor methods for them, and making the IBOutlet declaration as part of the variable declaration is perfectly fine.


Even when working with properties, you can put the IBOutlet declaration in the property’s variable declaration instead of the @property statement if you wish (it’s a matter of style).

I implemented the init method in CityController.m as follows:

- (id)initWithIndexPath: (NSIndexPath *)indexPath {

if ( self == [super init] ) {
index = indexPath;
return self;

This invokes the superclass init method and assigns the result to the self variable. If the call to the superclass is unsuccessful, self will be set to nil and this will be returned by the initWithIndexPath: method. This is very unlikely to occur, and if it does your application will crash. However, normally our line of custom initializer code will be executed: it sets the index variable to point to the NSIndexPath we passed into the object. We then initialize the view inside the viewDidLoad: method.

- (void)viewDidLoad {
CityGuideDelegate *delegate = (CityGuideDelegate *)
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate];
City *thisCity = [delegate.cities objectAtIndex:index.row];

self.title = thisCity.cityName;
descriptionView.text = thisCity.cityDescription;
descriptionView.editable = NO;
pictureView.image = thisCity.cityPicture;


Inside the viewDidLoad: method we grabbed a reference to the application’s app delegate, and then used this and the index variable to retrieve the correct city. Then we set the text and image properties of the two subviews to hold the city data, and the title of the main view to be the city name. The title of the view will be displayed in the navigation bar. We also set the editable property of the descriptionView to NO, as we don’t want the user to be able to edit the text describing the city.

Since we’ve made use of both the CityGuideDelegate and the City classes in this method, we must also remember to import them in our implementation. Add these lines to the top of CityController.m:

#import "CityGuideDelegate.h"
#import "City.h"

Apart from the changes shown so far, the only other change to the default CityController implementation is to make sure we release our declared variables in the dealloc: method. Find the dealloc: method at the bottom of CityController.m and add the lines shown in bold:

- (void)dealloc {
[index release];
[descriptionView release];
[pictureView release];
[super dealloc];

Now we have to go back to the RootController implementation and make one quick change: substitute the new initWithIndexPath: method for the default init method call we originally used. In the tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: method of RootController.m, replace the following line:

CityController *city = [[CityController alloc] init];

with this line, making use of the new initialization method:

CityController *city =
[[CityController alloc] initWithIndexPath:indexPath];

At this point, all we need to do is go into Interface Builder and build the view, and then connect the view to the outlets we declared and implemented inside the CityController class.

Opening the CityController.xib file in Interface Builder will present you with a blank view. Drag an image view (UIImageView) and text view (UITextView) element from the Library window (⌘-Shift-L) onto the view. These controls are available under Cocoa TouchData Views.

Since I resized my images to be the same aspect ratio, we’re going to change the size of our UIImageView to reflect that. In the Size tab of the Inspector window (⌘-3), resize the UIImageView to have a width of 250 pixels and a height of 188 pixels. Next, position it at X = 25 and Y = 37. Turning to the Attributes tab of the Inspector window (⌘-1), change the mode of the view to Aspect Fill. This means the image will be scaled to the size of the view, and if the aspect ratio of the image is not the same as the aspect ratio of the view, some portion of the image will be clipped so that the view is filled.

Turning to the UITextView element, use the Size tab of the Inspector window (⌘-3) to position it at X = 0 and Y = 223 with a width of W = 320 and a height of H = 256. This fills the main view below the image, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. The CityController.xib with a UIImageView and UITextView added to the main view

The only thing left to do is connect the UIImageView and UITextView elements to the two IBOutlet variables we created in code. In the main XIB window (titled CityController.xib), click on File’s Owner and go to the Connections tab in the Inspector window (⌘-2). Connect the descriptionView outlet to the text view and the pictureView outlet to the image view, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Connecting the outlets to the UI views inside Interface Builder

At this point we’re done, so make sure the NIB file is saved and go back into Xcode and click the Build and Run button on the toolbar. After the application starts tap one of the city names and you should see something like Figure 5.

Figure 5. The city guide to London

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